D-Tan Pack for Instant Skin Brightening and Lightening De Tan Removal Suitable for All Skin Types ( 250 GM )


Duttch Professional’s D-Tan is an absolutely amazing formula of removing tanning from our skin. It’s main ingredients like kojic acid, clove oil & fruit extracts helps in softening, lightening, brightening & even tones the skin with beautiful radiantly glowing skin. Using it in your skin care routine unveils a healthier, rejuvenated version of your skin.
SKU: H P 20
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Duttch Professional’s D-Tan is an absolutely amazing formula of removing tanning from our skin. It’s main ingredients like kojic acid, clove oil & fruit extracts helps in softening, lightening, brightening & even tones the skin with beautiful radiantly glowing skin. Using it in your skin care routine unveils a healthier, rejuvenated version of your skin.


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